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Category Archives: Beauty & Health

How to deal with allergy symptoms

How to deal with allergy symptoms When you’ve checked for sure that you’re definitely allergic to water, don’t worry. Although allergic symptoms of water can be quite irritating and worrisome, and may make many people not want to show their faces to anyone, we have

Get to know “sudden heart attack”. What causes it?

Get to know “sudden heart attack”. What causes it? Acute heart attack is the language that people generally call it. In medical terms, it is called “acute myocardial infarction or ischemia” or in English “Heart Attack” caused by the arteries that supply the heart muscle suddenly blocked สมัคร ufabet

Medicine is a must when traveling abroad.

Medicine is a must when traveling abroad. Travel with peace of mind and don’t be afraid of getting sick!  When traveling abroad, you need to be prepared, especially when it comes to medicine. You need to prepare everything so that you can travel with peace